
Envisioning Your Future

Realities of Being an Educator
💡Facilitator's Content:

Next, we're taking a step back to the very roots of your journey in education – not the why, but the what and the how of your early years. This is about grounding ourselves in the day-to-day realities of those first steps into education; the culture shift from what our expectations were to the reality of the job. It's crucial to remember these experiences as we explore the path that led you to your current roles in the district.

Encouraging Deep Reflection:

Let's start by going back to your first year or two as a teacher. I want you to think about the daily grind, the routine tasks, the challenges, and the small victories. Take a few moments to jot down these experiences.

[Have the participants take some time to answer the question]

As we share, listen to each other's experiences. Do you notice any common themes? Are there experiences that surprise you or resonate with your own journey?

[Go around the room and have people share]

Reflect on the aspects of your job that were most challenging and those that were unexpectedly rewarding. How did these daily realities shape your understanding of education and your role in it?

[Have the participants take some time to answer the questions]

Again, listen to each other's experiences. Do you notice any common themes? Are there experiences that surprise you or resonate with your own journey?

[Go around the room and have people share]

Now let's take a moment to reflect on the realities vs the expectations of your early years. These are more than just memories; they're foundational experiences that have shaped you as educators. Think about how these experiences have influenced your approach to your role.

[Have the participants take some time to answer the questions]

And again, listen to each other's experiences. Pay attention to any common themes and other's experiences that resonate with your own journey?


Thank you all for sharing so openly. These honest reflections provide a vital context for understanding your journey. As we move to the next phase, keep these early experiences in mind. They are a crucial part of your story and will help you craft a vision that is both grounded in reality and inspired by your aspirations.

Facilitator Notes:
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Let's take a moment to ground ourselves in the real, day-to-day experiences of your early years in teaching. This reflection will help us connect with the practical aspects of our profession and prepare us for an honest exploration of our journey into the district.

Revisiting the Daily Grind
To reflect on the practical realities and day-to-day experiences of your initial years in education.
Think back to your first year or two as an educator. What were the everyday tasks and responsibilities that filled your days?
Reflect on the concrete aspects of the job – lesson planning, classroom management, grading, parent-teacher interactions, and any challenges you faced.
NOTE: If you are in a "supporting" role, e.g. Communications, Human Resource, Finance, or IT, and did not start your career in the classroom answer the questions from the perspective of, why did you chose the educational industry vs. other industries to practice your chosen field?
Daily Routines:
What were the typical tasks and activities that characterized your early years in teaching or the educational industry?
Challenges and Rewards:
What were some of the most challenging and most rewarding aspects of your early teaching experiences or time in the educational industry?
Reality vs. Expectation:
How did the realities of your role in education align with or differ from what you expected when you first decided to pursue a career in education or the educational industry?
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